Chamber Music | Lessons Lived And Learned

Sometimes you find people with whom making music feels as natural (or even more) as playing by yourself. You give each other the support and energy that elevates the music to a whole other level. When that happens, that's magic occurring. Also, because it is an extremely rare thing to happen. When you find people like this, you should treat the relationships with care and nurture them, because it won't happen too often.

When this isn't the case, when you play with people you are not exactly friends with and maybe even have different musical preferences and opinions, there is still magic to be found in the music. We just have to be willing to work with what we have, employing the skills we can learn and always, always have the main goal of what we are doing in our heads. Music. Transmitting this magical language that speaks to people directly, in thousand different ways.

I made a list of lessons I learned, along the way, playing with many different musicians. How we can be more successful in communicating in chamber music, which is a really vulnerable, but the most beautiful, intimate, musical formation. A lot of things seem pretty evident at first, but sometimes we don't think about them when making music. Until it's too late and we suffocate the music instead of letting it live and flourish.

  1. Don't ever assume fun/enjoyable rehearsals equal a good concert.

  2. Listening comes before playing (once you learn the notes).

  3. Try to communicate your ideas clearly and emphatically. It's a precious skill.

  4. It's not about you or your ego. It's always about the music.

  5. Consequently, egos should be left at the rehearsal room door. (ego lock room invention, anyone?)

  6. Getting along in music doesn't always mean getting along in person. And vice versa.

  7. Less talking, more playing.

  8. Chamber music (which is almost all music) is about listening and responding, discussing and experimenting, less than planning.

  9. If you can't manage to merge two contrasting ideas with words, try coming together by playing.

  10. Don't get stuck on your ideas if they don't work, however smart they might be. Be flexible, adapt.

  11. Different instruments, like people, have different characteristics. Listen and learn from diversity.

  12. Listen to the sound of the group from the outside, even when you're playing. That way you'll blend better with others.

  13. Music has a life of its own.  Let it breathe, let it live.

Do you have something interesting to add to the list? I'm always eager to learn more on the topic, let me know about lessons you learned along the way in the comments below!


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