Tacet Ensemble consists of three Slovenian musicians; flautist Katarina Nagode, violinist Mojca Jerman and harpsichordist Martina Okoliš.

Although the group is rather new, founded in March of 2020, the musicians bring together different sets of experiences. Katarina, who studied in Austria (Graz, Linz), brings with her the knowledge and experience in German musical tradition, ranging from early baroque to romanticism; Martina is especially interested and has extensive knowledge of French style; and Mojca, who studied in Italy (Bologna) specializes and is experienced in the Italian style.

Together, their goal is to bring the richness of early music to the Slovenian public, especially to new generations; to bring their knowledge and experience to the public that until now didn’t have much chance to experience music performed on authentic instruments. As Slovenians, they also want to explore music that was written on Slovenian ground and put it into the context of the music of surrounding territories.

Their wish is to explore the variety of sounds, instrumentations and arrangements possible in the historical performance context; all connected with artistic, original and ’intentional’ visual presentation. Their focus is also on creating programs that are instructive and entertaining for them and the audience.

The name of the ensemble, tacet, comes from the Latin word for ’is silent’.

For trio, chamber music, and music in general, starts when we first listen and only then play. To truly listen one has to be silent, inside and out. The same goes for the audience. In our concerts, we want to create an environment, where the person listening to us, can come to the silent state and lose themselves in the music.

tacet ensemble

Katarina Nagode, transverse flute

Mojca Jerman, baroque violin

Martina Okoliš, harspichord

Tacet ensemble was founded in March 2020 by flutist Katarina Nagode, harpsichordist Martina Okoliš in violinist Mojca Jerman. Their enthusiasm for historical performance practice and chamber music immediately made their musicianship feel natural.

Each of them brings to the group a unique set of experiences and a different perspective on early music interpretation.

The group quickly started making plans and already in July 2020 recorded their first video recording. Soon some concert propositions followed, but due to the pandemic only one could be realised.

In January 2021 they performed in a cycle of concerts at Castle Rače and in summer of 2022 at the festival Odmev Poletja in Minoritski samostan, Maribor.

The group doesn’t lack plans and enthusiasm for the future and is working on several themed programs at the moment.


Trio Rêverie


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